Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Why would I never offer a solution?

Many of my companions complain that I examine problems a lot, but I do not provide any solutions. Correct. You are not only the person who thinks the same; I felt so too.

But tell me, do you already have a shortage of remedies? Didn’t Buddha give you a solution to every problem, didn’t Mahavir give you answers, didn’t Nanak provide the same? Thousands of people have given you solutions to date.

They did not just give the solution; they sacrificed their lives for you. Didn’t Buddha leave his house to explain to you? Did Guru Gobind Singh Ji not sacrifice his entire family to convince you?

But the point of view is how much you learned. It fixed no problem because of any great man. We are all as dishonest as before. As corrupt, thieves, violent as before. Starvation Anarchy, communalism, malnutrition are much more severe illnesses today than before.

We have all kinds of remedies, but still, we are helpless. There is a cure for every problem in all the texts, but again, there is no peace and satisfaction in society. The man is miserable, unhappy despite every facility, every solution.

Why no solution will work?

There are solutions and solutions in society, but still, no problem has been solved to date.

Look at YouTube, every person is giving answers, and the number of people offering solutions on YouTube is in thousands, but no problem of society seems to be solved.

Then why are you expecting any solution from me? If I give an answer to any problem, then what change will it make? Therefore, I provide no solution. Buddha, Mahavir and Vivekananda gave many solutions. So I will not do this work again.

Now Baba Ramdev gave yoga practice to solve every disease. But did you do it? Not at all. If the population of your city is five million, then how many people do yoga after waking up in the morning? Not even one per cent of the whole community. Then what is the use of all this hype generated by Ramdev about Yoga. 

Nobody followed Ram Dev

Nobody did yoga, and Baba Ji had to sell products. You did not listen to Baba Ram Dev Ji and thought it appropriate to be sick yourself. How Baba shouted and screamed on the mic that the cure for every disease is yoga.

He did not give any speech, did not provide discourses but produced evidence of everything. But still, people did not follow Baba Ji’s words. How easy it is to do yoga now, but people continued to do complicated work.

Such as eating medicines while staying sick, visiting hospitals, getting operations done, getting tests done, are these things easy or doing yoga? Obviously it is easy to do yoga, but people preferred to stay sick. They adopted complexity rather than simplicity.

Why I never give solutions?

Then why do you expect a remedy from me? If till today the methods of a great man, a guru, a prophet have not worked, then how will any of my given measures work? People often complain to me that you only mention the problem, but do not give any solution.

And suppose if I give the solution but what is the guarantee that you will not throw that solution in the dustbin. Can you tell how answers have been given to us till date, and how many of them we have implemented? Not even one. Then why am I expected to provide you with a solution?

Why does no solution work? 

I am not giving any solution. It is also a Break The Rule. Otherwise, how easy it is to give a solution. Otherwise, I can even say very quickly, always tell the truth, do not give bribes, be a gentleman. How easy it is to say all this, but I cannot say all this because thousands of people have already said this.

It is always good to live a truthful life. But do you need to know it from someone like me? No! Everyone already knows that truth is a very valuable quality. All our problems can be solved by just living the truthful life because a man who is truthful will never bribe. He would never even rape. He will also be a karma yogi.

But this fundamental is already known to everyone. Then where is the need of a master to inculcate truth in you because the truth is an integral part of your personality? 

If telling the truth solves all problems, then why don’t you tell the truth? To tell the truth, there is no need to read any book; we need no teacher. But knowing all this, we could never live a truthful life. We always sought a mentor, whereas no mentor is required.

Which solution will work?

Now another aspect of the problem. Now there is a cure for every disease. Every kind of hospital, doctor and test is available. But the question is, does the doctor treat the disease? Have we treated any disease to date? Had they had treated the disease, the number of patients in hospitals would have been less. Hospitals would also continue to decrease.

Just like jails are being closed in some atheist countries because there are no criminals left. In the same way, if they had cured a disease, many hospitals in our country would have been closed.

But it is the reverse. Our hospitals are overcrowded. It means that the disease is not being treated. Similarly, we have a solution to every problem, but till date none of our problems has been solved.

Man is a thousand times more sick than before. Thirty-forty years ago, I had never heard of sugar or high blood pressure. But today every third man has sugar or high blood pressure.

Know the problem first

I have a relative in America. He told me that every man there has the disease of sugar. We mostly complain that everything in our India is fake, adulterated and poisonous. Maybe that’s why we are all sick.

But in America everything is real and pure, but why are those people sick like us? Clearly, we could not figure out the issue. We could not figure out the nature of the problem till date, and this is the reason no solution is working.

And therefore I only discuss the problem because if the nature of the problem is known, the solution will be available at the very moment. Well, the solution is hidden in every line of mine, but you do not see it.

Religion is in itself a solution

Why do you see no solution in my writings? Because you have become obsessed with listening remedies from the texts, which were given by the tantrikas, which were provided by the Guru-prophets. You are still eager to hear those measures which, unfortunately, have not worked till date.

Just take a quick look around you and see which one problem we have solved in the last one thousand years? Every man is giving solutions. In India, you can refer to any person in front of any disease and see it; he will immediately suggest some treatment.

Every man in India possesses knowledge like a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, but the problem is that still, we are helpless.

Have you ever noticed that every sage, Mahatma in India has a solution to every problem? Their solution does not work, but they still have a large following. Religion itself possesses a solution to every issue of man, but even the religious countries are the most corrupt in the world.

Life is short break the rule

It means there is something wrong. There is definitely a mistake somewhere. Otherwise, despite all treatment, despite all measures, why are we compelled to live a life like hell?

I think first we should stop doing what we have been doing till date. Why should I stop? Because what we have done till date has resulted in terrible consequences. This is what we have named as Break The Rule.

Break The Rule tells how man has been repeating the same mistakes again and again over the thousands of millions of years, how he cannot go in any new direction. The efforts that did not yield any results are being performed repeatedly.

Whenever a computer came, it seemed that now the computer would do many jobs for the man and the man would get rest. However, did he get any rest? No, he has become somewhat more anxious and exhausted.

Religion, in itself, is a substantial solution. But is the man of religion a little bit more satisfied and calm than before? No, not at all. He is today the most uneasy.

 Put brake on everything

Then what to do? See; first, it is essential to understand that whatever we have done till date, the results are negative. So first, put a brake on everything that you have been doing till you. These religions, deeds, service, text-worship, honesty, spirituality, ecstasy, patriotism, love, put a brake on everything.

What will happen when applying the brake? The position will be slightly more apparent by using the brakes. There will be more clarity and understanding.

Who incarnated the word God

I think we have got used to thinking in a particular way. Our problems are of today, but our hands are full of thousands of years old remedies. For example, even today, every person uses the word ‘God’ every day. Every man’s soul inhabits God.

Now there is no doubt on how the word God would have originated. Obviously, man came much later in the history of this universe. Now when man was not on earth, then obviously the word God might not have been used on the planet.

In the first place, how much of a scholar and enlightened person would he have been who used the word God for the first time? Obviously, he would be very clumsy and illiterate. Because then people lived in the jungles, any man who would have used the word God for the first time, he would not even know that there could be a chair to sit on.

The maker of God was a savage

He did not even know that there is another village across the river because he did not have a boat to cross the river. The man did not even know whether the earth was round or flat. So the question is, how did such a man come to know that God made the earth.

Even today, the whole humanity trembles in the name of God, how any work is incomplete without God. How even our scientists also pay homage to god while firing rockets – a god that originated out of mere ignorance.

How ignorant will be the man who originated the word God for the first time? But today the same name ‘God’ is dominating the full world. So how will our problems be solved in such a scenario? How can any remedy work in such a situation?

Why are you not able to get rid of God

When millions of years old software is fitted in our mind, then even if you give lakhs of solutions, no one will work. Now the question is why the man could not abandon the million-year-old software provided by the wild man till date. Why did not his own conscience flourish?

We have written a lot on this topic on the Break The Rule website and YouTube channel. If you read all the articles carefully and listen to all the videos, then a new thought will arise in you every day. Until unique and independent thinking is born, no solution will work.

You can see a lovely video of us on God. Its link is given above.

We will not give you a solution

We will not give you a solution. Every great man gave them to you. All the texts are filled with solutions. No, we will not give you more solutions. Instead, we will awaken your conscience. We will not provide food to the hungry. No, it will bring back his hunger again. We will give people a means of earning a livelihood. It will solve the problem of starvation by itself.

Now the problem is that man does not know that the problem is starvation or poverty. He is very busy serving free food to the needy. But this does not solve the problem. You are not mitigating the problem. Starvation is not a problem; the problem is poverty. 

You must have seen that discourses on God are going on day and night on our TV, whereas God is not a problem. The problem is hunger, unemployment, and corruption. Ironically, there is not a single discussion on our TV on corruption, population problems.

Why don’t we focus on real issues?

Now the problems of corruption, population etc. are real and if any meaningful solution comes out by discussing them, then a lot of questions will be solved, but no one is fixated on them. We are talking about God day and night; a wild man invented it, and it does not exist.

Break The Rule has come out to solve this problem of ours. Once our thinking is correct, then solutions to problems will start coming out automatically.

Just now, some vicious heads have focused our eyes beyond the sky to see that God lives there. They have done this so they can steal this world of ours. All we can see now is God. We do not see corruption, exploitation, rape, nor do we ask the ruler to solve these problems.

What will we do for you?

For the first time in the world’s history, Break The Rule will shift your eyes from the sky and will show that the problem is somewhere else, but till date, you have been trying in the wrong place.

Suppose you have to go to Delhi and you have a car. How is it possible that the light of the car is only two hundred meters, but you still reach Delhi after covering thousands of kilometers?

All this was possible because when you drive a car, the car light goes with you. The Guru and Fakirs gave you thousands of kilometres of light in the form of God. However, we will provide you with only two hundred meters of light. When you go up to two hundred meters, from there, and then, you will see what lies ahead.

Connect yourself with the reality

The problem now is that your eyes are fixed on the sky. You see nothing in between. You are just lost in the thoughts of God. You cannot grapple with life. You have to connect with the ground reality. Life is too short, so many old rules have to be broken quickly. Until the mature fruits break off, how will the new ones come?

All our rules or solutions are inherited from there when man lived in the jungles. From today we are giving you some tips which you have to do every day. Give break to certain things, such as religion, sermons, kirtans, jagratas, recitations, roses, namaz, pilgrimage, service, charity, virtue, yagna, havan, God, patriotism.

All these things are not remedies. No, these are the things you don’t have to do. What you are supposed to do will automatically be understood. Remember, what we are supposed to do is very easy, but what you are actually doing is very difficult.