Connect to endless possibilities
A bird gives birth to its baby, raises it but never wants its baby to stay in the same place near it. Don’t know who tells the baby bird who inspires that he jumps out of the nest one day and never comes back.
The life-giving mother is behind, her house is behind, her upbringing is left behind, but the baby bird never turns back and looks back. Once he did rule-break that the infinite sky opened for him.
Endless possibilities open up.
Never look back always forward
Think, what would life be like if he did not dare to leap out of the nest? What a boring life it would have been? In the nest, the mother would have loved him every day. Every day they would have lived for each other.
In the nest, everyday things happen according to a fixed schedule, but compare this life to that life when he jumps inadvertently and never turns back.
Perhaps life was so exciting ahead. Every moment was extra excitement. There was fear, struggle, insecurity, even death lurking at every step. There were grand moments every moment, as well. Life was so colourful, so many possibilities that the child did not look back.
How to become present in the moment?
Why is everything in the universe in celebration? Because there is no turning back. Everything is moving forward. If one thing dies, the other is born before it dies, but itself is lost, there is no memory.
Every particle of this universe is so happy to live this moment. There is no concept of past and future there. It is like the heart that beats in the present. It does not beat in the past. If you look deeply, it is the love to be free, nothing else.
Love always frees you
It is the love that the bird frees the baby bird. Only when the baby bird is liberated, the baby bird can connect with endless possibilities.
Now we have not even seen our Guru or Faqir, but still, we are putting pictures of them from generation to generation. We remain stuck because we are attached to the inert past.
Someone kept fasting millions of years ago, but we are beating on the same line. Why does guilt arise in our mind as soon as we say the word sex? Is this our thinking? No, this feeling dates back thousands of years. Look deeply; we are carrying the past. We have made no leap. We are still sitting where the tribal man started his life.
We wake up to thousands of years old fakirs and saints on the walls of our house while sleeping. Neither did we free them, nor did they free us.
Both are living the life of hell. Both the Guru and the disciple are crucified. Both hinder each other’s movement.
Our focus is wrong
Till today we have not understood a minor thing that the essence of life is to let things go of, to be free. We neither have any present nor any future! We are like a bird that has not jumped out of the ghoul yet.
Why didn’t you jump out of the nest? Maybe we thought we are to pay off our parents’ debts, to pay off the debt of the Guru, to protect our culture, to save our pride, to save our ideals, to protect the country, to protect the mother cow, to preserve traditions. That is why we remained in the nest.
Today, we don’t even know what life is. But day and night we are rushing to know what death is. What is after death? What is spirituality? What is liberation? Who made this world?
We are focused on unnecessary things. We are not doing what we want to do. It has created a deformity in life
. Our conscience has been missing. What is wrong, what is right, we do not understand now?
You cannot read your mind
Every man seems to blame others, but he cannot see his own thinking. In such a situation, an understanding of life is missing. Because of the lack of a new understanding of life, we are forced to live a life of great difficulty.
Because the right understanding is not being created, then there is a lot of trouble in our lives.
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